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Apple iPad has bugs

Turns out, Apple iPad yet has bugs. It emerged that it can’t bear the heat, but, you know, there is trying heat in half the earth now. iPad stops working at temperature higher than 95 degrees F (35 degrees Celsius), it simply switches off. This mass phenomenon resulted in the same mass action lawsuits.

CNN reports that ten USA citizens accuse Apple affirming they knew about this defect all along but for some reason they didn’t inform purchasers about this. If this fact proves to be truth, Apple will be incriminated a cheat, running a misleading advertising campaign, faulty business and unjust enrichment. It’s not so much alluringly, isn’t it?

In their defence, Apple say the device functions safe and well only before stem of a thermometer reaches 95 degrees F (35 degrees Celsius), if the temperature is higher, the gadget should be switched off. But there is a question: why there is no temperature limit stated in technical characteristics?
