Spanish hacker called Naima has successfully released PS3 custom firmware called Naima CFW 3.55 / 60 hybrid. The new custom firmware is a CFW 3.55 with some files taken from the newly 3.60 firmware. More over, it spoofs PS3 console on 3.60 firmware which allows full PSN access for games and applications with preserving jailbreak capabilities of custom firmware 3.55.

Note: It’s highly recommended to avoid accessing PSN on your jailbroken PS3 in order to avoid possible bans from Sony.
Download 3.55-60CFW-naima.patch then apply it to official firmware 3.55
Disclaimer Note: This article is only for informational and testing purposes only. We did not create the hack, nor do we endorse or promote the use of it. We are not responsible for any bans that may occur, or the inability to sign-in to PSN. Use it at your own risk only.