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John’s Phone Bar


John's Phone Bar | The World's Simplest Golden Cell Phone
John’s Phone Bar

John’s Phone Bar is the world’s simplest golden cell phone: no frills or unnecessary features such as a camera, text messaging and an endless number of ringtones. You call, you hang up, and that’s it. John’s Phone is easy to use wherever you go.

John’s Phone is an unlocked cell phone

A no-contract cell phone, John’s Phone is compatible with any type of SIM card. Pay as you go and SIM-only contracts, both national and international. John’s Phone offers global roaming, except on the 3G networks in South Korea and Japan. With its long standby time of more than 3 weeks, John’s Phone is perfect for when travelling or driving.

John’s Phone has two unique accessories

The back of the phone features a small opening with an address book and pen – two unique features you can use even when your phone is switched off.

Calling hands-free

In addition, it includes an earphone that allows you to call hands-free while driving.

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Package contains


  • John’s Phone Bar
  • Address book and pen
  • Earphone
  • Adapter with USB cable
  • Instructions for use
